March 7 - 28, 2020
Elizabeth Schwaiger’s research-based practice exists at the confluence of luxury and disaster. In Darkening Warmth, stand-ins for the accumulated worth of human existence — purpose-driven societies and summits, artwork in the studio or in a collection, focused laborers at their crafts, decadent interior trappings, and other more subtle depictions — all these are brought in Schwaiger’s paintings in raucous collision with their potential demise: flooding, decrepitude, overgrowth, and abandonment. Each of the artist’s works present our best attempts at permanence, at immortality, or even simple long lasting value, in stark contrast to cataclysmic and indifferent powers beyond anyone’s individual influence. Her work brings into appropriate scale our own strivings, and the looming ends to which they might succumb. They are a call to action to a great reprioritization of our aims as individuals and as a society with the chance yet of holding back the tide.
Opening: March 7, 2020 | 7–11 pm
Co-Lab Projects at Springdale General
1023 Springdale Rd, Building 1
Austin, 78721 TX
(512) 300-8217
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