Dallas artist Lizzy Wetzel has a very strong personal iconography that draws on notions of the spiritual and supernatural from a variety of cultures. In addition to her intensely detailed sculptures and installations, she also performs what she calls “service actions,” which would traditionally be called performance art by anybody else. These service actions are inspired by her grandfather, a medical doctor who routinely made house calls on horseback.
Born in Austin, Texas, Lizzy Wetzel received her BFA from the School of Visual Art at the University of North Texas in Denton. She has shown work at Road Agent Gallery in Dallas, FotoFest Houston, the Wichita Falls Museum of Art, Art Palace in Austin, 500X Gallery in Dallas, and Salon Mijangos in San Antonio.
Everett Taasevigen
is a Houston photographer.
Also by Everett Taasevigen:
Glass Houses 19: Marjorie Schwarz
Glass Houses 18: Margaret Meehan and Noah Simblist
Glass Houses 17: Shamrock Hotel Studios
Glass Houses 15: Lauren Kelley
Houses 14: Margarita Cabrera
Houses 13: Hana Hillerova
Houses 12: Leslie Wilkes
Houses 9: Steve Brudniak
Houses 8: David Aylsworth