There’s a lot of good geek buzz around this: Artist and new-media pioneer Evan Meaney is scheduled to make appearances in Dallas and Denton the week after next, with a screening of his “/” at CentralTrak on April 26 and a public lecture on UNT campus on April 27.
An artist, teacher and researcher of new media and gaming at University of South Carolina, Meaney contributes to the Atlantic and recently “has worked with the super computing team at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on projects made possible through the National Science Foundation.”
To get an idea of what he’s about, here is an interview he did with Art21 in 2011. Art21’s editor’s write: “His practice dives into the ‘liminalities and glitches of all sorts, equating failing data to ghosts, seances and archival hauntology.'” For more info on his lecture and screening, please go here and here.