Glass Houses 21: Julie and Bruce Webb

by Christina Patoski July 16, 2010
A photograph of writer Chukwudi Ukonne.
Chukwudi Ukonne. Image courtesy of the writer.
A photograph of writer Chukwudi Ukonne.
Chukwudi Ukonne. Image courtesy of the writer.
A large multi-figure painting.
Paul Gauguin, “Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?” 1897–1898, oil on canvas, 55 × 148 inches
A photograph of artist and arts administrator Mary Cantú with art materials surrounding her face.
Mary Cantú. Photo by Josh Huskin

Christina Patoski explores the jam-packed world of Julie and Bruce Webb, owners of Webb Gallery, an outsider art wonderland in Waxahachie.


Christina Patoski is a journalist and photographer who lives in Fort Worth.  A former NPR reporter, she has been published in Newsweek Magazine, The New York Times, Life Magazine, and USA Today.  Her photographs have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States, including the Smithsonian’s Museum of American History.  She received a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship grant for her video and performance art which was shown at the Whitney Museum of American Art,the Walker Art Center and the SanFranciscoMuseum of Modern Art.

Also by the author:

{ Interview }
Interview with Malcolm Warner

{ Review }
Andy Warhol: The Last Decade



1 comment

1 comment

rainbird July 19, 2010 - 14:29

adopt dogs. These 2 are very good.


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