Shea Daniel Youngblood- In The Neighborhood 2025

Will Bryant- Jiggity Jog 2025

Ellen Mote- Sheer Disposition 2025

Neena Buxani- Where Real Meets the Imagined- An Explosion of Color 2025

Dallas’s Shamrock Hotel was built in 1915 and was used as a furniture factory and showroom in the 30s and 40s. According to artist and manager Peter Ligon, the building was once a brothel. The Shamrock began its life as an artist colony in 1996. With hardwood floors, numerous windows, natural light and no central heating, the Shamrock Hotel Studios are now home to nine talented Dallas artists.
These are nice photos. Thanks for visiting our studio. The light IS pretty good. One correction and one attribution: The Shamrock was a brothel but not, as far as we know, not owned by Jack Ruby. The eleged Ruby building is down the street at Elm and Carroll. The sculptural pieces in the foreground of the picture in my studio are the work of our long distance resident, Lily Hanson. Thanks to you and to GT for the studio visit and the great pictures….Peter Ligon
Sorry about that Peter,
I got my brothel and mobster facts mixed up–LOL It was great to have met you all.
Thanks again!
Everett Taasevigen
I appreciate the link. I was trying to find a Shamrock site.
Thanks again, Everett for another interesting, thought provoking article. Photos are great — really gives me a feeling of the space
Again, Everett’s eye has seen and recorded the character and details of a space and it’s artists that have brought Shamrock Hotel Studios to life for this viewer far away. Everett paints with light; and these photographs are paintings as much as they are photo shots.