DISCLAIMER: Once again, I have used a lot of words (including a back assward type of pigeon Spanish) and said absolutely nothing, which can be easily explained by the fact that long ago my keyboard became inhabited by a long-winded idiot demon.
A Gallery Whose Name I Failed to Write Down and Canal Street Gallery

This weekend I went to two galleries, although one of these visits was unintentional, and wasn’t what you would call a visit in the strictest sense of the word, since the place I really intended to visit was a little place I like to call “sale de bain” when I am being especially pretentious.
When I arrived at TSO, I asked for the key to the restroom, which coincidentally was an additional three miles away (the restroom, not the key). This trip was rendered wholly unnecessary, for by mile two I suddenly remembered, much to my warm relief, the now full catheter bag strapped to my left leg. Turning on my other heel, I sprinted back to the optometrist shop (a neat trick considering the bag), but was halted in my tracks when I noticed a small gallery located next door to a snack bar called The Jury’s Out to Lunch.

At the time I had neither pen nor camera nor Life Hammer, and so could not write down the name of the space or break in to get one of their cards. However I did mentally note the name of the exhibit, 8 Seconds, as well as the art within the gallery, which was of the Charlie Russell/ Frederick Remington Bucking Bronco kind. Initially I thought the title referred to the length of time the average Joe spends looking at art, but after an equal amount of research, discovered 8 seconds is how long a rider must stay on a bronco in order to qualify for competition.
The evening before this fortuitous find, I dropped by to see my old friend Armando Rodriguez ’s show, Viva La Vida or La Muerte No Anda En Coche Pero Requiere El Uso De Un Chofér (October 30 – November 28, 2009), now featured at Canal Street Gallery, located on the edge of Downtown.

When you visit Canal Street Gallery, you will also be able to see a number of very moving ofrenda created by the artist, his wife, and others in honor of Dia De Los Muertos and those in their lives who have passed on to the other world. Also on view are the remains of a Turkey Molé, which Armando himself prepared for the opening night.
Heed his words, see his work, and avert your eyes as he turns to walk away.
Next week The Joanna, the following week I decimate the work of Beth Secor, on view at Inman Gallery.