Jill Pangallo, performance artist and cat lover, lives in Austin with her cat Vinny and a headful of witty characters.
Quickly after meeting “Jill” she and I began discussing a strategy to photograph several of her characters. She then left the room and came back as a different person. We discussed everything from that character’s voice, to her mannerisms and body language. Several character changes went on for a few hours and ended with a conversation with her last character, “Jill Pangallo,” and a brief synopsis of who all the characters were. After leaving Iʼm still not entirely sure who Jill Pangallo is. However, I do know that all her characters are a blend of wit, charm, beauty and intellectual questioning. – Everett Taasevigen
When Glasstire approached me about Glass Houses, I saw a unique opportunity to do something I hadn’t done before – invite my personas into my home. I was interested in seeing how they would inhabit the environment and I had defined ideas about which character should be photographed where. Certain rooms or backdrops seemed a natural fit for certain personalities. Everett, the photographer, was very flexible and accommodating about the whole thing, which was like a tornado of costumes, wigs and makeup. Photographer Anna Krachey assisted on the shoot. She and I have been working together for a long time and she’s always got my collective backs. – Jill Pangallo
Everett Taasevigen is a photographer living in Houston.
This work is a really bad version of an idea that was popular about 10 years ago (See Nikki S. Lee circa 1998). Please, can’t we do better?
Seeing as I’m in my late 60’s, I take this as a complement.
Very bad, more like 30.
It dosnt matter if it is an idea that was popular whenever and then redone. It dosnt matter at all. I think it is done well once I looked at it again.
The lighting on the woman newscaster in a jumpsuit creates a scary ambience, that mixed with the funny and sad aspects of the woman is kinda touching.
I wish I would have looked more closely at these images before I commented.
these are photographed perfectly. they mix a funniness with a sadness that I connect with.