800 Auror a Stree t
Filmm aker in atten dance
Auror a is pleas ed to welco me and suppo rt a festi val previ ew of cinem atic progr ams from the Houst on Cinem a Arts Socie ty on Novem ber 21st at 7PM with risin g digit al media artis t and filmm aker Alex River a.
In conve rsati on with Marga rita de la Vega- Hurta do, film schol ar and curat or, Alex River a, video artis t and filmm aker, will discu ss and prese nt video art works from 1995- 2006, that prece ded his first featu re film Sleep Deale r.
River a will scree n Papap apá, Dia de La Indep enden cia, Brace ros, Cybra ceros and The Borde rs Trilo gy.
Ticke ts for each of the sched uled event s are $10 per adult ; $8 for senio rs and stude nts and can be purch ased on- line at cinem artso ciety .org Auror a membe rs $8.
The Houst on Cinem a Arts Socie ty ( HCAS) , a newly forme d non- profi t organ izati on has joine d Houst on’s cultu ral lands cape. Creat ed under the direc tion of a dedic ated task force with the suppo rt of Mayor Bill White and the leade rship of Franc i Crane , the organ izati on will focus on prese nting cinem a, mixed – media perfo rmanc es and new media art and insta llati ons durin g an annua l festi val every Novem ber in Houst on. HCAS plans to colla borat e with Houst on museu ms, art cente rs, theat ers, cultu ral organ izati ons and other urban space s to co- host new media offer ings. Curat or Richa rd Hersk owitz has delib erate ly progr ammed this Cinem a and Media Arts Festi val to serve as a frame work for the full week- long festi val that will launc h in Novem ber 2009. Centr al to each year’ s festi val will be tribu tes to influ entia l media artis ts whose work will be explo red in depth , and who will engag e in on- stage conve rsati ons with leadi ng artis ts and criti cs about their caree rs. Surro undin g these cente rpiec e progr ams will be an array of live event s integ ratin g cinem a, music , and perfo rmanc e, outdo or proje ction s, inter activ e insta llati ons in galle ries, and Inter net- desig ned and gener ated movie s, as well as theat rical prese ntati ons of inter natio nal films and video s.
Addit ional infor matio n and ticke ts for these scree nings and conve rsati ons are avail able by visit ing cinem artso ciety .org.
In conve
The Houst
Rivera at Sundance promoting Sleep Dealer