Here are a few Net Art pieces that have been replaying in my mind a lot.

Animated GIF montage, 2008

HTML animation, 2008
by Billy Rennekamp (via Loshadka )

Animated GIF, 2008
by sounder2 (via Spirit Surfers )

Animated GIF and JPG montage, 2008
by Dylan Reece (via journal de l’internet )

Double Happiness, SO GET YOUR DEATHMARCH ON, Animated GIF montage, 2008
Animated GIF montage, 2008
by unknown Dup Happer (via Double Happiness)

The Slim Possibility of Thought in the Mind of Someone Specific
ASCII on HTML, 2008
ASCII on HTML, 2008
by Ramsay Stirling (via

And as a critical treat, here’s a link to Marisa Olson‘s fantastic essay on “pro surfer” work:
(thanks to D. Reece for the tip!)