March 27 - April 15, 2020
In response to COVID-19, the Martin Museum of Art will provide our 2020 Baylor Art Student Exhibition via digital exhibition. We thank our juror, Scott Sherer, for his efforts in curating the exhibition, and selecting award winners. This year, we have three additional awards, which were provided by a studio art faculty member. We are so thankful to that faculty member for their thoughtfulness, and for honoring our retiring faculty in such a meaningful way.
Congratulations to our students for their hard work an flexibility in this unprecedented time. Please enjoy the digital catalog of the exhibition. A special thanks to Chani Jones and Krista Latendresse for their resourcefulness and dedication to bringing student work to the public in this unique way.
The beginning of the catalog offers links to view all the award winners for each category, a Best in Show, as well as our three special Excellence award winners.
Digital viewing of the exhibition can be seen here.
Martin Museum of Art at Baylor University
Hooper-Schaefer Fine Arts Center
Waco, 76798 TX
(254) 710-6371
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