September 6 - October 26, 2024
“Through Monica’s artwork, she aims to create a visual language that communicates identity’s complex and fluid nature and the universal human experiences of otherness, movement, change, and growth. Combining, re-contextualizing, and reconfiguring disparate materials is a way of making sense of the world around me and reconciling the multiple cultural spheres she inhabits as an Indian American woman. Having immigrated to the US twenty years ago, and as a mother, daughter, spouse, and spiritual being, my work reflects a desire to harmonize the diverse elements that make up her identity. As a result, she is constantly navigating both countries, my past and present, and seeking unity while trying to find personal clarity. Mohnot’s exhibition will be in the Martin McDonald Gallery from September 6 through October 26, 2024.”
The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center For The Arts- LHUCA
511 Avenue K
Lubbock, 79401 TX
(806) 762-8606
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