September 6 - October 4, 2024
From K Space Contemporary:
“K Space Contemporary is honored to serve as an exhibition host for the prestigious 2024 Texas Biennial. K Space Contemporary will display a group exhibition entitled Seeding Soil in our Starr Gallery, as well as an installation by Alexandra Robinson in the Project Space.
Now in its eighth edition, the 2024 Texas Biennial is co-curated through a collaborative and non-hierarchical approach by Erika Mei Chua Holum – Assistant Curator at the Blaffer Art Museum at the University of Houston, Ashley DeHoyos Sauder – Curator at DiverseWorks in Houston, and Coka Treviño – Curator of The Projecto and Curator and Director of Programming at Big Medium in Austin. Presented across venues along the Texas Gulf Coast, the 2024 Texas Biennial activates amorphous and overlapping forms of cultural production–performance, cultural preservation, and visual art – shaped and cross-pollinated by collectives and community participation. Through this survey of contemporary art, the curators looked to artistic acts of continuance and survival.
Showing in our Project Space, Alexandra Robinson is a visual artist who uses language and symbols in her creative practice to investigate ideas of identity and place and how one exists in that place. She co-opts symbols to play with meaning and she is especially interested in an American ideology that was never meant for everyone even if multiplicity is the American experience. Using Morse code, flag semaphore and the flag form Robinson appropriates symbols of American exceptionalism, which are informed by her upbringing and familiarity with military family life, American ideals, and an attraction to language and meaning.
K Space Contemporary is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and promoting contemporary art. Gallery hours are Wednesday – Saturday 11 am to 5 pm and Sunday 12 to 4 pm. We are located at 623 N. Chaparral Street in downtown Corpus Christi, Texas. To learn more about the artist, the exhibition, and other K Space programming, please visit or follow us on Instagram or Facebook @kspacecontemporary.”
Reception: September 6, 2024 | 6–10 pm
415 Starr St # D
Corpus Christi, 78401 TX
(361) 887-6834
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