August 3 - 27, 2023
From Flight Gallery:
“Often the term reflected light refers to the objective nature of a returned glare. Here I am conveying two qualities of this expression. Yes, the notion of a returned reflected light as though bouncing off water or some shiny surface. Secondly the reaction of the perceived gaze; the art experience of standing in front of a work and employing an intuitive inquiry, expecting something in return. Little better than a year ago early spring of 2022, while making some small sculpture and looking for a medium to apply to them besides paint, using foil leaf occurred to me. Having used silver and gold leaf on frames years ago and applying chocolate foil wrappers as a collage ingredient in some of my works on paper, it seemed worth trying. In application the foil leaf became intriguing by its ability to reveal underlying textures even as slight as pencil marks, while reflecting light. Thinking I would only use the foil leaf briefly, it has surprised me how enduring it has become, sustaining my attention more than I had imagined. Initially using the foil leaf to typify the objective nature of reflectivity, energetically highlighting surface and details, now I see it as an ingredient of local color, describing and embellishing subjects and content. Not all of the works in this show employ the use of foil leaf. I call all my two dimensional pieces paintings. Several of these paintings are conventional, strictly oil on canvas. My sculpture are of assorted materials, and these works on paper are of mixed medium: graphite, colored pencil, oil stick, etc.. Despite the reflective quality of the foil leaf, the fundamental premise of my work is about the second reaction; the perceived gaze.
Reception: August 3, 2023 | 6–10 pm
112R Blue Star
San Antonio, 78204 TX
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