November 17 - December 15, 2022
From Koelsch Gallery:
“Join us for the opening reception of our latest exhibition, Long Gone. Our showcase will feature an assortment of recent works from artist Katie Maratta in her third exhibition with the gallery. Best known for her masterful, monochromatic horizonscapes, Maratta continues to translate the boundless West Texas horizon into her miniature panoramas. Mirroring reality with their mere inch-tall, and four-foot-long structures – you are forced to travel the piece, and in turn, time.
Katie Maratta’s work is something one can only experience. Her pieces withhold a subtle power and rather apparent contradiction between the large and the small; the cohesiveness of space and scale. These small-scale creations suggest a rather vast space and in turn create a pleasant tension. They evoke the same visual experience one undergoes while driving down the long, lonely, West Texas highways, parallel to the vast grasslands’ infinite sense of space. You are left feeling nowhere and everywhere all at once.
Katie currently resides in Austin Texas with her husband Samuel. After receiving her BA in Art from Princeton University, she spent the next 20 years working as a cartoonist with a variety of entertainment publications. From Los Angeles Times to Universal Press Syndicate, Katie’s satirical story-telling animations appeared in newspapers across the country. Upon moving to Texas in the mid-1990s, Katie was struck by the rich visual experience of the wide-open expanses of West Texas’ landscape. Having come from West Virginia, she had limited interaction with the now familiar horizon line. The scenery never fails to evoke wonder in the artist.”
Reception: November 17, 2022 | 5–8 pm
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