Son of a Hollywood police photographer/detective, Gary Sweeney is a classic Irish smart-ass – quick-witted and funny as hell. Case in point, his public art project for the city of San Antonio used vintage imagery to, among other things, tout San Antonio as a “Winter Wonderland.” Sweeney works at home in an unairconditioned studio with roll-up doors on either end for cross ventilation. Braving the San Antonio heat, he often spreads his large-scale, sign-based work out onto his lawn.
Born in Los Angeles in 1952, Gary Sweeney received his BFA from the University of California at Irvine. Sweeney has created public art works in civic centers and airports from Los Angeles to Charlotte, NC. His work is included in several museum collections and has been shown extensively throughout the United States as well as in Europe and Asia.
Everett Taasevigen is a Houston photographer.
Also by Everett Taasevigen:
Glass Houses 15: Lauren Kelley
Glass Houses 14: Margarita Cabrera
Glass Houses 13: Hana Hillerova
Glass Houses 12: Leslie Wilkes
Glass Houses 9: Steve Brudniak
Glass Houses 8: David Aylsworth