November 2 - 30, 2024
From the Silos at Sawyer Yard:
“Artist Rona Lesser presents Earth and Sky, an exhibition of landscape and sky paintings in watercolor, acrylic, and pastel done over several years. Lesser finds being in nature meditative and inspiring, and strives to capture that feeling in her paintings. She often paints outdoors and sometimes from her own photographs. For the last few years, she has been concentrating on working with watercolor because of the transparency of the media, and the ease of taking it out to plein-air sites, but she also enjoys the feel of creating with acrylic paint. Acrylic paint allows for textures to be built up and brush strokes to emphasize the movement of sky and clouds. Pastel allows for intense color, as the pigments are pure color. Each medium serves its purpose in allowing Lesser to explore the wonder of our natural environment.
Earth and Sky is on view in the Bay 300 Gallery, at the back of the Silos at Sawyer Yards studio building, from November 2 through November 30, 2024. Join the artist for a public reception on Saturday, November 9, from 5-7pm.”
Reception: November 9, 2024 | 5–7 pm
1502 Sawyer Street
Houston, 77007 Texas
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