October 25 - November 30, 2024
From ClayHouston:
“In celebration of 20 years as an organization, Formative Narratives showcases individuals who help shape ClayHouston in the past, present, and into the future.
As clay is shaped, it shapes the maker. This malleable material connects creators from diverse backgrounds, forging bonds that make ClayHouston the community it is today. This exhibition showcases objects that encapsulate moments in time displaying the marks of makers, decisions pondered over, and lessons learned; with each narrative form, we honor their place in our formative narrative.
The ClayHouston annual Members’ non-juried show includes diverse works from current ClayHouston members who reside in and around the Houston area. Ranging from sculptural to functional ceramics, this showcase represents artists from varying levels.
Participating Artists: A. M. Schaer, Adriana Fallas, Amanda Barry Jones, Amanda Wood, Andre Bally, Angela Corson, Anne Steacy, Anne Walker, April DeConick, Ashley Edwards, Begoña Herranz, Cameron Rowe, Carol Berger, Christine Soderstrom, Clara Hoag, Damon Thomas, Dana Cargile, Eileen McClellan, Emily Rensink, Femi Akande, Franki Star, Gabriela Monterroso, Gabriela Bello, Gita Van Woerden, Gozde Kaya Hepisler, Haejung Lee, Hillary Graves, Hugh David Waddell, Jacqueline, Sanchez, James Beard, Jane Mooney, Jeanie Lindberg, Jessica Phillips, Jill Huston, Jo Zider, Julia McLaurin, Julianna Bray, Karen Faulk, Karina “Aimee” Kudla, Kelley Eggert, Ken Gray, Linda May Martin, Lisetta Lavy, Lovie Sumler, Mara Cavalcanti Reid, Maria Raquel Morales, MaryAnn Lucas, Meghan Rutz, Michael Mallory, Michelle Ellis, Mily McBryan, N. Blanca, Naomi Choi, Nicole O’Bryan, Olivia Tarricone, Patricia Edwards, R. Adam Blount, Renee Lieber, Saba Besier, SABINE TRIPLETT, Saida Fagala, Susan Budge, Suzette Schutze, Terry Hagiwara, Trey Morgan, Una Kirkpatrick, Val Glitsch, Vera Hashem, Virginia Bally, Vivian Pastor.”
Reception: November 7, 2024 | 11 am – 4 pm
The Bayou City Clay Crawl
1502 Sawyer Street
Houston, 77007 Texas
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