November 3 - 25, 2023
From Arts Fort Worth:
““The brain is an extremely complex organism divided into two hemispheres with profound differences in functionality, two whole, coherent, but conflicting ways of experiencing the world. The detail-oriented left hemisphere prefers mechanisms to nature and is disposed to the egocentricity, whilst the right hemisphere has grander latitude, flexibility, and generosity. The left hemisphere is increasingly taking precedence in today’s world.” (Iain McGilchrist in The Master and His Emissary) The work uses the metaphor of Packaged /Ckaged to explore what modern western society has become in today’s world. A reflection on the way in which Beings participate in society, through a series of mechanistic egocentric packaged events curated by the information industrial complex, driven to the exclusion of serendipitous discovery. A never-ending series of packages. Be it the packages that a delivered to us, the package that “work” has placed us in. The neatly defined package that social media has placed us in. The package that politics has placed us in. These “packages” in turn become paCkage. A paCkage that is a digital panopticon. Consequential the lived experience of the human spirit has become packaged.”
Reception: November 3, 2023 | 6–9 pm
1300 Gendy Street
Fort Worth, 76107 Texas
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