Contemporary Art Month (CAM), San Antonio has announced the selected artists for the 2023 CAM Perennial, Picking at Scabs.
When it was established in 2012, the CAM Perennial was originally intended to host a curator from outside of San Antonio to organize an exhibition featuring local artists. Since then, the annual program has shifted focus. At times, the exhibition has functioned as a way to create dialogue between San Antonio artists and artists from another city. This year, curator Gil Rocha of Laredo opened the call to San Antonio- and Laredo-based artists. The selected works center on community trauma and healing.
In a press release announcing the exhibition, Mr. Rocha described the selected artworks as, “a metaphor for hereditary injuries that are passed on through stories, testimonies, tales, objects, and subtle gestures that embrace individual and generational suffering.”
Selected artists include Juan Carlos Escobedo, Anthony Francis, Melissa Gamez-Herrera, Violeta Garza, Pedro Morales, Theresa Newsome, Erika Ordoñez, Anthony Rundblade, Alán Serna, and Gary Sweeney.
The exhibition will be held at the Michael and Moémi Neidorff Art Gallery at Trinity University from March 8 through April 8, 2023. Gallery hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, from 1 – 5 pm. An opening reception will be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, from 5 – 7 pm.