Note: this is the fourth installment in an ongoing series. See the introductory installment, in which artists Israel McCloud and Mich S describe their projects, here. See the second installment, featuring Antonius-Tín Bui and Marsha Dorsey-Outlaw, here. See Lina Dib’s project here.
Art League Houston (ALH), in partnership with the City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs, presents Insta11ations, 11 distinct art experiences created in each of Houston’s 11 city council districts. Insta11ations is made up of artists who are experimenting with the ways people interact with public art, who reimagine public spaces, and who express stories of social justice and equity in their work. Artists were asked to respond to the specific needs and identities of communities that neighbor the proposed sites, and to create experiences that could engage and empower community members, and unearth, reinterpret and/or platform local histories.
Each artist will be provided with the technical support and education necessary to execute their site-specific experience from concept through fabrication and installation. Insta11ations is a project of the City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs and Art League Houston, with funding made available through Houston Arts Alliance. Experiences will open Spring 2020 and be on view through Fall 2021.
In this short video below, artist Violette Bule describes her project.
“As an artist, I believe in social change; I believe that art is useful for communities.”