Top Five, July 16, 2020: Texas Artworks About Heat

by Glasstire July 16, 2020

Brandon Zech and Christina Rees discuss conservation nightmares, the Dust Bowl, and how well-versed Texas artists are on this subject.

“Texas artists have been dealing with this forever.”

To watch last summer’s Top Five on Our Favorite Artworks About Snow & Ice, please go here.

"Flipping Boy," 1983. Earlie Hudnall.

Earlie Hudnall, Jr., “Flipping Boy,” 1983

1. The Photography of Earlie Hudnall, Jr. (1980s and ’90s)


Katie Pell With "Bitchin Stove." Acquired By Ruby City December, 2009.

Katie Pell With “Bitchen Stove” in 2009. Acquired By Ruby City, San Antonio, in 2019

2. A) Katie Pell, Bitchen Stove, 2006


Custom Deluxe, 1990, Helen Altman

Helen Altman, “Custom Deluxe,” 1990. Collection of the Old Jail Art Center, Albany

B) Helen Altman, Custom Deluxe, 1990


Luis Jiménez, Man on Fire, 1969

Luis Jiménez, “Man on Fire,” 1969. Collection of the Smithsonian, Washington DC.

3. Luis Jiménez, Man on Fire, 1969


"We Were There" (Series, 2007-2017), Sandy Carson.

Sandy Carson, “We Were There” (Series, 2007-2017)

4. Sandy Carson: We Were There (Series, 2007-2017)


"Drought Survivors, 1936," Alexandre Hogue.

Alexandre Hogue, “Drought Survivors,” 1936

5. Alexandre Hogue, Drought Survivors, 1936


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Missy Finger July 20, 2020 - 19:01

Thanks for including Earlie Hudnall in the mix!

scott chase July 23, 2020 - 13:48

Great video. I have a Hogue lithograph of the prairie dog in the bottom right of Drought Survivors. I imagine you knew about the Hogue exhibit at the DMA a few years ago.


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