Big Changes at Houston’s Lawndale

by Paula Newton May 15, 2018

LawndaleIn a “Letter to the Community,” Lawndale Art Center’s Executive Director Stephanie Mitchell explains a number of changes taking place at the organization.

  1. They are excited about Lawndale’s new website and rebranding. Check out the new site and look for upcoming merch with the new brand.
  2. The long-running annual juried exhibition, The Big Show, will be moving from summer to fall. Stating, “…our aim is to bring new critical attention and focus to The Big Show by offering enhanced benefits to participating artists, including the opportunity for a studio visit with the juror, Evelyn C. Hankins, Senior Curator of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, and a larger monetary prize.” That sounds great, but moving one of the most well-attended opening receptions (read: packed like sardines!) from summer to fall just seems polite. A few years back, the air conditioner broke during the opening and it was not pretty.
  3. Finally, after 30 years of Lawndale’s annual Dia de los Muertos, its exhibition, silent auction, and related programming, it is passing it off to the Multicultural Education and Counseling through the Arts (MECA). Lawndale will partner with MECA and all proceeds will benefit MECA. It is considered that MECA is a more culturally appropriate venue for the event and Mitchell says that the move will “return this sacred holiday to its cultural roots.”
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1 comment

Dune September 16, 2018 - 14:21

As awesome as it has been of Lawndale Art Center hosting the Dia De Los Muertos event,it i wonderful that the Center feels it appropriate that the event returns to its roots. As well, it will hipegully convict Artists to create and submit work that fits the occasion and not just in TBEIR “signature” style. Kudos agsin to LAC Director Stephanie Mitchell for the very responsible decision… Now, to remember to go to MECA for the tin pickup


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