Those kids in Florida who survived the recent school shooting have inspired youth (and older folks) throughout the nation. It seems that they have also touched students at Houston’s High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA).
Starting in spring, senior students in HSPVA’s visual arts department present exhibitions (usually three at a time) in the school’s gallery. This week, the graduate exhibition will be all about the youth political voice. The three artists have included seven performance artists, working in poetry, dance, and sound. HSPVA artist Pablo Rivera states, “The show itself deals with socio-political issues that affect society today, and it is essentially these issues being addressed from the youth’s point of view, as to why things like the student walkout (which is the day after our show) will be addressed and directly tie into the walkout itself.”
The exhibition opening and performances will take place Thursday, April 19, beginning at 3:45pm. Power to the young people!
1 comment
I truly believe the Young People are going to save us. ‘Cause us “Adults” have done shi$ about gun violence and other pertinent topics to date.