It’s that time of year again—applications are open for DiverseWorks’ annual Diverse Discourse lecture and studio visit series! Ever year, the Houston organization brings in a writer, curator, or some other out of town art world figure to give a lecture about their practice and do studio visits with select Houston artists. This year’s speaker is Drew Klein, Performing Arts Director at the Contemporary Arts Center (CAC) in Cincinnati, Ohio.
While artists of all disciplines are encouraged to apply for Diverse Discourse, performance and multi-disciplinary artists might have a special reason to this year: at the CAC, Klein “curates and oversees the Black Box Performing Arts Series, an eight-month season of performance-based projects that explores the full spectrum of disciplines.” For previous projects, he has worked with well known artists like Mark Mothersbaugh and Saul Williams, and with newer artists like Dana Michel and Ligia Lewis.
Klein’s lecture will happen at the Rec Room on April 17, 2018 at 6:30PM. To apply for a studio visit with Klein during his time in Houston, go here. The application deadline is April 3, 2018.