DMA Launches Its Own App (plus a bonus Pokémon Go event)

by Glasstire August 16, 2016

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Yesterday the Dallas Museum of Art announced the launch of its own mobile-friendly app—a dedicated and varied way for visitors to interact with the museum’s collections and exhibitions. Remember: the DMA is encyclopedic, so the app encompasses 23,000 works of art which span 5,000 years.

The app promises the expected line up of museum app features, among them “an interactive map, complete with points of interest, a filterable calendar of events, and seamless social media sharing capabilities.” Plus of course high resolution  images and drilled-down info on the works on view. But there a few curve balls thrown in, too. You can choose your own themed tour, do audio tours, or shake your phone and—bam!—the DMA app chooses an artwork for you to hunt down.

It’s free on iOS devices (so your iPad will work with it too, if you want to bring a still-bigger screen than the 6sPlus) and it was created here in Dallas by Pariveda Solutions in collaboration with a team from the DMA.

Here’s a video about the app:

For more info and to download the app from Apple, go here.

Here’s a bonus:

“This Thursday, August 18 the DMA will host its first Pokémon Go night at the DMA from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Visitors will travel far and wide across the Museum to test their skills as a Pokémon trainer and enter to win a raffle following the event.”

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