In April, the Galveston Artist Residency (GAR) launched the first edition of its quarterly arts zine called BINDER. Published by Super Hit Press (along with GAR), the first volume features artist contributors such as Josh Bernstein, Jamal Cyrus, Kate Funkhouser, Jesse Bransford, Dave Dove, Joshua Edwards, Victoria Sambunaris, and Zachary Moser. The editors at large for this volume are Sallie Barbee, Dan Schmahl, and Eric Schnell. (Schnell had an exhibition titled Binder last year at the Galveston Arts Center.)
Since its launch, hardcopies of Volume No. 1 have been available at GAR itself, along with the Marfa Book Company, the Menil Collection Bookstore, and the Galveston Arts Center.
This week GAR announced that the magazine is now available to view in full online. Here is the trailer for BINDER, and here’s where you can see the whole thing online.