We’ve already reported that the long-running Art City Austin arts festival, which opens today and runs through Sunday, has added an art fair to its lineup of attractions. This is a bit of interesting rebranding.
Now we have a list of Dallas-area galleries that are participating in the fair, booths and all.
Circuit 12 Contemporary, Beefhaus, The Public Trust and a new project by OFG.XXX founder Kevin Rubén Jacobs that he’s calling PUSHKIN & GOGOL. PUSHKIN & GOGOL’s PR states it’ll be showing “Pierre Krause, Amber Renaye, Luc Fuller, Puppies Puppies, Michael Mazurek and Keith Allyn Spencer.” Solid lineup.
Right now, there are 25 art spaces and galleries listed as exhibitors (go here for the full list; it’s pretty much exclusively Texan and there are a lot of familiar names), and more than 100 individual artists exhibiting on their own. They’ll all be at the Palmer Event Center. This is a big weekend festival now in its 66th year.
For more info and the schedule of events, please go here.