The National Center for Arts Research (NCAR) at Southern Methodist University has just released “new data and findings on the health of the U.S. arts and cultural sector,” and “incorporates new data from 2013 and includes insights on trends in the data from 2010 onwards… .”
(This is not the same data reporting from NCAR we wrote about earlier this year.) If this is your thing, dig in. The updated data is here. SMU writes:
The update provides an in-depth examination of seven performance indices key to assessing the health of the sector: program revenue per attendee, total earned revenue, earned relational revenue (revenue from subscriptions and memberships), return on and response to marketing, community engagement (in-person and virtual touch points), and people per program offering. With data from almost 5,000 arts and cultural organizations around the country, across industry types and sizes, this edition marks the beginning of NCAR’s new reporting structure: it will release findings from new sets of data and analyses focused on particular content areas approximately every four months.
For more info and to read the full report, go here.