OFG.XXX Will Close Forever on Sept. 26

by Glasstire September 1, 2015

11930757_10204405757214135_7834230053287313636_oThe scrappy, can-do, ultra-hip OFG.XXX/Oliver Francis Gallery in the Fair Park/East Dallas neighborhood has announced that its current show is also its last. The gallery’s founder and owner, Kevin Rubén Jacobs, has thus far used social media to get the word out that on September 26, after four roller-coastering years, the gallery will close for good.

Its current and last show is a two-person one: Luc Fuller of Portland and Nicholas Gottlund from Los Angeles. The show opened on August 29.

Throughout its sporadic life, OFG.XXX has hosted some of Dallas’ more memorable recent shows by local and international artists alike, including Michael Morris, Jeff Zilm, the collectives Dick Higgins and Homecoming! Committee, and many others. The gallery’s website and archive is here.



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