Now that it’s mid-July, it’s easy to think that summer is halfway over, but we technically haven’t even hit the one-third mark. And for those equate summer with the hurricane season, don’t even begin to exhale because that season runs all the way through November. This means that, if you are already digging into your canned goods, bottled water and extra batteries, it’s time to go shopping again. For Gulf Coast arts organizations, it means you should mark Friday, July 26 on the calendar and plan to attend the Disaster Preparedness Forum hosted by The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.
Those who work with museums and arts organizations who have had to deal with hurricanes, tropical storm flooding, and other natural disasters know the potential for unimagined messes and instant chaos—for staff, displaced local artists, the institutional facilities, and the artwork inside the buildings.
The Heritage Emergency National Task Force’s Alliance for Response has invited archive and museum professionals based in 10 counties in the Houston and Galveston areas to this short conference. Folks from Houston and Galveston will present, as well as some NYC officials who have recently dealt with the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.