The Epitome Institute: New San Antonio Jeu d’Esprit to Open in March

by Bill Davenport January 14, 2013

epitome logoSan Antonio artists Meg Langhorne and Donna Pardue have announced a new endeavor, The Epitome Institute:

“Esteemed Artists, Art Patrons and Dissertators:

“We wish to introduce you to our new endeavor: a jeu d’esprit, artist-run exhibition space, think tank, cultural repository and aesthetic research organization.  We welcome culture bearers and curators from many varied fields and literally from a field.  Our calendar will include visual artists, an award-winning poet, and a Mardi Gras Indian. Join us for a salon of derring-do.

We sincerely remain,
Your Curators,
Margaret L. Honeytruffle
Alice Thud, III”

The inaugural exhibition in their new space, Golden Years by Andrea Caillouet, opens on March 2, with a special appearance by Jeremiah Williams, Flag Boy Twin of the Shining Star Hunters Mardi Gras Indian tribe. Their calendar page promises shows organized by guest curator Jenny Browne in April, Cyndi Rook in July, and works by artists Jimmie Hudson in September and Callida Borgnino in December.

The space, at 222 Roosevelt Avenue in San Antonio, is open only at specific times listed on their website, or by appointment.

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