After six months of non-stop work during the longest and hottest summer in decades, the intrepid fishermen/trans-media artists at Shrimp Boat Projects were finally able to launch their refitted vessel, the F/V Discovery.
Work included replacing large pieces of the hull, installing new fuel tanks and fuel lines, rebuilding the winch, painting the hull inside and out, installing new zincs, replacing the cap rail, replacing the transom, patching the rigging, installing a rebuilt engine, repairing the stuffing box, rebuilding the water pump, updating the electronics, replacing the seals of the transmission, installing new bilge pumps, and building a new bait box.
Sailing from April Fool Point in San Leon, TX, a nowheresville sandspit without even a Wal-mart, the first few weeks of the refit included a near-sinking in the ship channel, which makes for good reading on the project’s website. According to the artists, “we had no idea what they were doing when we started,” but now, after repairing every system on the boat, they are starting to catch and sell some shrimp.
1 comment
Seems like an intersting project, but I am not finding the “art” in it. As I said before Beuys’ 7000 Oaks isn’t a scultpture without the basalt stones. Maybe I need more information than what is on the website. I do love to eat shrimp, though!