2 events tonight in Austin focus on video and performance, two relative rarities in our town (although this is certainly changing)! Big Medium hosts a truly exciting video show, Mercury Retrograde: Animated Realities. Curated by recently christened Austinite William Heath & the RISD Museum’s Zeljka Himebele-Kozul, this exbition features a truly impressive array of international recognized artists working in video animation, including megastar Takashi Murakami. 8 – 11 pm tonight (and running until November 7th, Wednesdays and Saturday nights/by appointment)!
Also tonight: Fusebox Festival hosts Merge, a special RSVP-only event that features the incredible Graham Reynolds, installation by many local artists including Shawn Camp and Michael Merck. (Full disclosure: two of my projects, Circulatory System and Austin Video Bee, are providing video for the event!)