Produced by Rachael Anderson, Abby Bagby, John Logan, and Liz Trosper, Dallas’ ArtSkool returns! Beginning tonight with its Preskool Soiree, the weekly series is free and open to beginners to art aficionados for one session or all ten events.
As for tonight’s party: “[C]ome bring drinks/food to share, costumes optional. We simply wanted a chance to hang out and catch up with everyone… plus who doesn’t enjoy a potluck, costumes, and a pinata?”
The lecture-and-discussion series features “classes” with titles like “Intro to Contemporary Art,” “The Sublime,” and “Vidiocracy.” Art Skoolers will also embark on out-and-about visits to studios and other art spaces around the region.
For the full schedule, go here. Get skooled!