Last Few Days to Influence BIGGEST ART SHOW EVER!

by Lucia Simek May 2, 2014


As we reported last month, the Dallas Museum of Art is part of what is being called the “biggest art show ever”–billboards emblazoned with famous works of art as selected by America’s voting masses will populate roadsides across the country starting August 4 and continuing for four weeks. For a reminder of the rules of the game: “Everyone is invited to view 100 American artworks nominated by the museums and vote for the ones he or she would most like to see reproduced outdoors. The final list of some 50 Art Everywhere US works will be announced to the public on June 20.”

Since voting began on April 7, voters have selected Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks, Mary Cassatt’s The Child’s Bath, and Grant Wood’s American Gothic paintings in the running for the top three works, the DMA announced, as well noting that at the DMA, voters have loved Richard Diebenkorn’s Ocean Park No. 29, Edward Hicks’s The Peaceable Kingdom, and Frederic Edwin Church’s The Icebergs. The clock is ticking on the voting period–May 7 is the last day to submit your vote, so get clicking if you care about what art America sees while driving really fast (which, if you think about it, is kind of how most Americans walk through museums anyway).

Maxwell Anderson, director of the DMA (grandly) reminds us of the import of the project: “The works you’ll see in Art Everywhere US tell the story of America, express our creativity and reflect who we are—and this is our chance to make them a part of the American landscape, and everybody’s life. We hope Art Everywhere US will inspire all of us tolearn more about America’s artistic treasures, past and present, and discover many more of the great works in our nation’s museums.”

 For the full release about the project, start by clicking here.

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