Without dumbing down (really, not too much at all), the PBS television series Art21 discusses contemporary art and artists in a way that even your grandparents can understand and enjoy. The award-winning show has now put out six seasons of episodes featuring 100 artists within the context of various themes and offers tons of resources to teachers who want to bring contemporary art into the classroom in a thoughtful way. They also have a blog, which poses “broader, meditative questions about the place of art in our world.”
July’s guest blogger is Noah Simblist, writer, curator, artist, and associate professor of art at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Art21‘s current theme is “networks,” which Simblist pledges to address:
My posts will look at the the ways that artists engage activist politics in an increasingly globalized art world. While I will be paying attention to the ways in which cultural workers in very different places are connected, even networked, by common concerns, I will also be looking at the local particulars that resist a flattening perspective, pointing instead to a richly diverse set of scenes.