Light on the Brain: iE Founder Douglas Steel Demonstrates at UTEP

by Bill Davenport March 5, 2013

steel talk 2On March 7, Douglas Steel, founder of the iE Collective, will be lecturing at UT El Paso’s Rubin Center on the use of LED lighting as “an artistic approach to studying the human brain,” pointing out how “overreliance on the scientific method” had hindered the development of new drugs to treat mental illness. He’s going to demonstate some new lighitng technologies that might be of use to artists.

The iE Collective, is an 18 month old collaboration between a neuroscientist, a piano instructor and performer, a film and video production and storytelling firm, and a ceramic and glass artisan, which describes itself as “a group of individuals with diverse backgrounds who have come together to combine ideas and skills to create dynamic installations, experiences, and performances.” So far the team’s crossover art/design/architecture projects have focused on interactive lighting displays.

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