Rice: More, Plensa, Please

by Bill Davenport February 25, 2012

Photo by Ruby Yeh

Rice University dedicated a pair of big, seated figures by Jaume Plensa at a ceremony on the Rice campus last tuesday. The piece, titled Mirror, is similar in style to Plensa’s Tolerance, the series of kneeling stainless-steel figures along buffalo Bayou in Houston, except that you can go inside them and poke your face out through holes where the figure’s faces would be, if they had faces. Both pieces are made from networks of indecipherable  letters. Mirror was made possible by a generous gift from Rice alumnus and Rice trustee emeritus Bill Sick ’57 and his wife, Stephanie.

Photo by Ruby Yeh

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1 comment

Robert Boyd February 25, 2012 - 13:43

The faces are too high to put your own face into them, unless you do a bit of climbing. These things are huge.


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